THE GRAYING OF AIDS: – graying of AIDS | portraits: Sue's medication

There’s not a day that you don’t wake up and know you have HIV. Probably, out of nineteen years I had five good years.  The rest of them I’ve been sick as a dog. When I first started taking protease inhibitors, that was 1997.  My t-cell count was fabulous, my viral load was fabulous – but I couldn’t walk.  Those things made me so sick, uh, God they made me so sick! And you’ve got to do that for the rest of your entire life?
Sue's medication

There’s not a day that you don’t wake up and know you have HIV. Probably, out of nineteen years I had five good years. The rest of them I’ve been sick as a dog. When I first started taking protease inhibitors, that was 1997. My t-cell count was fabulous, my viral load was fabulous – but I couldn’t walk. Those things made me so sick, uh, God they made me so sick! And you’ve got to do that for the rest of your entire life?