Archive for the ‘Behind the Scenes’ Category
WAS GEHT?! poster campaign
Our first project with the youth media team – once working together in real life became possible again! Couldn’t be prouder!
More about this collaboration here at BOOM – Out of Space?
WAS GEHT?! Magazine – first print publication launched!
A year after a group of young media makers
in Berlin founded WAS GEHT?! magazine as a
platform for the perspectives of young people
with biographies of forced displacement and
migration, the publication is proud to present
its first print volume.
Here’s the WAS GEHT?! Vol.01 digital copy,
although, in all truth, you should get a printed
version for full effect by writing to:
Afghan Memories Studio
The “Welcome to Exilistan” exhibition has reopened, and our studio space includes a sound and video booth collecting oral histories – memories, stories, viewpoints – from the Afghan diaspora in Berlin.
Find out more about this project on our brand new Afghan Memories website, which will eventually feature the videos we are currently collecting. For now, the studio space at Rosa Luxemburg Str. 16 in Berlin Mitte is becoming a home to the expanding Newsgroup Afghanistan team of young people, and a venue for talks and exchanges. Ongoing infos, opening hours and announcements are best followed on our Facebook page.
Meanwhile, some more pics from behind the scenes of our Vernissage and events….
Welcome to Exilistan
I had the great fortune to connect with a wonderful participatory media project for young Afghans in Berlin when visiting the city briefly in August, and was able to join the team for the opening weekend of workshops. Now I am back in Berlin for the year, just in time to complete the project, which is turning into a beautifully realized exhibition at Box Freiraum in Friedrichshain.
More of the youth reporters’ work will be featured later on, once @EverydayMigration is up and running on Instagram and Medium, but for now, some behind the scenes images of the process and exhibition.
The Graying of AIDS in Durban
In July, the Graying of AIDS team attended the International AIDS Conference in Durban for our third installment of creating portraits and collecting oral histories on aging and HIV/AIDS. Over the course of five super productive and stimulating days we were able to interview and photograph some amazing people from Botswana, Canada, India, Jamaica, Mauritania, Mexico, Namibia, Scotland, South Africa, Sweden, Tanzania, Uganda, the United States, and Zimbabwe for the ongoing Stories From An Aging Pandemic archive.
Happy New Year!
Well Beyond HIV in NYC
Home run… The Graying of AIDS project’s Well Beyond HIV exhibit opened in NYC, capping quite a year for the traveling installation we produced for Walgreens. Now on to next things, after toasting new friends in person and larger than life size.
Thanks to POZ Magazine and Walgreens for hosting! Here’s a video and many more pics from the evening.
Berlin – sad sack subway series
Because, why not. BVG, my second home in late October, while working on a reportage in my old haunts. And I love the new hipstamatic panorama setting…
Rear Window – Flatbush edition
German magazine My Way is featuring a series of women living in places all over the world – and their musings on the various views out their windows. Apologies to my not shabby at all living room view for not making the cut!
iPhone view by moi, author portrait by the one and only Hana Jakrlova.
Well Beyond HIV production
Here’s a sneak peek behind the scenes of the Miami shoot for Well Beyond HIV.