2016 Open Society Foundation Fellows announced

osf_announcementI am thrilled to report that OSF is supporting a dual project I will be creating while based in Berlin, Germany for the coming year:

As a curator and researcher, I will help launch @EverydayMigration as part of the #Everyday Projects, to highlight and discuss the role visual media plays in how we understand global migration and displacement. And as a visual journalist I will continue working with Afghan youths in Berlin by reporting and teaching, to create a multimedia portrait of a new generation in exile that is finding itself caught in a world of contradictory impulses – between rapidly increasing technological and cultural globalization on one hand, and the rise of populist xenophobia and national isolationism on the other. Stay tuned for more detailed updates soon, but for starters here’s a list of the awe-inspiring group of fellows I will be joining…

October 9th, 2016

Posted in Personal Projects